Our Services

Established over forty years ago, Lawrence de Gruchy (Irrigation) Ltd can design and install complete new automatic irrigation systems for all sizes.

Each irrigation system is designed specifically for your area using sprinklers for lawns, rotors for borders, trickle irrigation for hedging and drip tubes for hanging baskets and planters.

We can supply and install all types of irrigation for the following applications:

• Horticulture Irrigation
• Agriculture Irrigation
• Landscape/residential
• Sports Fields
• Water Storage

We can also supply and install pumps for a variety of jobs including:

• Boreholes and wells
• Irrigation booster pumps
• Ponds
• Water features
• Submersible pumps

We service all brands of irrigation equipment and can carry out maintenance, repairs and upgrades to your existing system.  All work is neatly carried out by our experienced engineers.

With our program of spring commissioning, mid-season check-ups and winterisation, you can be sure that your automatic irrigation system will operate efficiently.

Alternatively, if another water source is unavailable, irrigation systems can be operated using a metered Jersey Water supply (subject to bye-laws).

We are agents for Superdos injectors that can inject soluble products into your domestic borehole supply (to soften the water and help prevent lime scale build-up) or add fertiliser to your garden or commercial greenhouse.  These operate on a water flow pressure system and are non-electrical.